Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:43 am
Unit 1. The Term Administration
1. The Term Administration has a long history, coinsides with the formaition of the State. It has two principle senses at the same time: Directing: to manage, direct, govern and Assisting: to help, assist, serve.
2. Administer and Manage had some similar meanings but Administration has a subtler and more extended series of meanings. In its broadest sense, administration can be defined as the activities of groups coorperating to accomplish common goals.
Reading Comprehension
1. Public administration is an art because some people have a gift for administration and become natural administrators.
2. Public administration is an science because administrators need the technical skills that allow the diggestion and tranference of information.
3. Lawrence coinsides Public administration as a profession (1).
4. Public administration includes whatever the public employees of the world do, ranging from typing documents to running general elections.
5. Flecher defined public administration as the activity of public servants; the stucture of executive government and study of them (2).
6. Waldo defined: Public administration is the organization and management of men and matarials to achieve the purposes of government. Public administration is art and science of management as applied to affair of the State (3).
7. The components of executive power are administrative power and regulatory power.
8. Administrative institutions is a set of institutions comprising of legal and regulatory documents and rules to govern the organization.
9. The term Administration is commonly used in where a market economy is developed because in these countries the private sector plays an important role opposite the public sector.
10. Public adminitration can be seen in 3 aspects: It is a power named Administrative power (1) It is an institution formed by a system of public power bodies (2) and It is an action: The concrete day–to–day work to implement the guidelines of the manager (3)
Main idea1.
The notion of P.administration is very old but understanding about it still differs among different academics and practisioners. They said that P.ad is both art, science and even a profession.
2. There are two definitions of public administration.
According to Flecher, P. ad can be used to denote: the activity of public servants; the stucture of executive government and study of them
Waldo gave this definition: Public administration is the organization and management of men and matarials to achieve the purposes of government. Public administration is art and science of management as applied to affair of the State.
3. In Vietnam P.ad can be used to denote the administrative power, a system of public bodies; a se.t of institutions namely administrative institution and the action of public servants in the bureaucracy.
So topic 1: Say about Administration:
- The Term Administration and its broadest sense
- The notions of Public administration: Lawrence, Flecher and Waldo.
- P.ad in Vietnam: It is a power named Administrative power (1) It is an institution formed by a system of public power bodies (2) and It is an action: The concrete day–to–day work to implement the guidelines of the manager.
Topic 2: The Legislature of the SRV
1. In the SRV the National Assembly is the only organ with constitutional and legislative powers has the obligation and power to make and to amend laws.
2. There are 7 subject may present draft laws to the NA:
- the country’s president
- the standing committee of the NA
- the Nationalities Council and the Committee of the NA
- the Government
- the Supreme People’s Court
- the Supreme People’s Office of Supervision and Control
- the Vietnam Father land Front and its member organization
3. Laws and resolution of the NA must be approved by more than half of the total membership but decision to amend the Constitution must be approved by at least two-third and made public fifteen days after their adoption at least.
4. The Standing Committee of the NA has the power to interpret the Constitution, to enact decree-law which must be approved by more than half of its membership.
5. Laws, decree law and changes to the Constitution are announced officially by the country’s president.
The NA of the SRV has about 500 members who is elected to represent the will and the aspiration of the people from provinces.
Compare with the Legislature in the UK:
- The main legislative body is the Parliament which consists of two houses: The House of Commons and the House of Lords.
- New laws can only come into force when they have passed through Parliament. Each bill must have three readings and received Royal Assent from the Qween.
- The UK is a constitutional monarchy without a written constitution and some part of Government system are regulated by convention.
Topic 3: The Government of the SRV
1.The Government is the executive body of the NA and the highest state administrative body of the SRV.
2. The Government assumes the unified administration of the implementation of all fields: political, economic, cultural, social, national defense, security and external activities of the State;
Ensure the effectiveness of the State apparatus from the center to the grassroots level;
Ensures respect for and observance of the construction and defense;
Promotes the people’s right to mastery in national construction and defense;
Ensures the stabilization and improvement of the material and cultural life of the people.
3. The Gov is accountable to the NA, the Standing Committee of the NA and the President of the State.
4. The Gov structure consists of Ministries and Ministerial level agencies.
5. The NA considers and decides on the establishment or abolition of a ministry or a ministrial level agency on the Premier’s recommendation.
The Prime Minister is elected by the NA on the recommendation of the President; Vice-Prime Minister, Minister and Heads of ministerial level agencies are appointed by the NA.
Compare with the Gov of the UK:
- Structure: The Gov of the UK consists of the Ministers who are appointed by the Crown on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is appointed directly by the Crown and is the leader of the political party which has a majority of seats in the Commons House.
He is the subject of constitution conventions, the head of the Gov and presides over meetings of the Cabinet which its members consists of the most important ministers who are selected by the Prime Minister.
The Cabinet of the UK.
Obviously, no government wants an important member of its party to start criticizing it. This would lead to divisions in the party. Therefore, the leading politicians in the governing party usually become members of the cabinet, where they are tied to government poluci by the convention of collective responsibility.
The cabinet meets once a week and takes decisions about new policies, the implementation of existing policies and the running of the various government departments. Because all government membes must be seen to agree, exactly who says what at these meetings is a closely guarded secret. Reports are made of the meetings and circulated to government departments. They summarize the topics discussed and the de cision taken, but they nevar refer to individuals or what they said.
To help run the complicated machinery of a morden government, there is an organization called the cabinet office. It runs a busy communication network, keeping ministers in touch with each other and drawing up the agendas for cabinet committees. These committees are appointed by the cabinet to look into various matters in morden detail than the individual members of the cabinet have the time ( or knowledge) for. Unlike members of the government itself, the people on these committees are not necessarily politicians.
1. The Term Administration has a long history, coinsides with the formaition of the State. It has two principle senses at the same time: Directing: to manage, direct, govern and Assisting: to help, assist, serve.
2. Administer and Manage had some similar meanings but Administration has a subtler and more extended series of meanings. In its broadest sense, administration can be defined as the activities of groups coorperating to accomplish common goals.
Reading Comprehension
1. Public administration is an art because some people have a gift for administration and become natural administrators.
2. Public administration is an science because administrators need the technical skills that allow the diggestion and tranference of information.
3. Lawrence coinsides Public administration as a profession (1).
4. Public administration includes whatever the public employees of the world do, ranging from typing documents to running general elections.
5. Flecher defined public administration as the activity of public servants; the stucture of executive government and study of them (2).
6. Waldo defined: Public administration is the organization and management of men and matarials to achieve the purposes of government. Public administration is art and science of management as applied to affair of the State (3).
7. The components of executive power are administrative power and regulatory power.
8. Administrative institutions is a set of institutions comprising of legal and regulatory documents and rules to govern the organization.
9. The term Administration is commonly used in where a market economy is developed because in these countries the private sector plays an important role opposite the public sector.
10. Public adminitration can be seen in 3 aspects: It is a power named Administrative power (1) It is an institution formed by a system of public power bodies (2) and It is an action: The concrete day–to–day work to implement the guidelines of the manager (3)
Main idea1.
The notion of P.administration is very old but understanding about it still differs among different academics and practisioners. They said that P.ad is both art, science and even a profession.
2. There are two definitions of public administration.
According to Flecher, P. ad can be used to denote: the activity of public servants; the stucture of executive government and study of them
Waldo gave this definition: Public administration is the organization and management of men and matarials to achieve the purposes of government. Public administration is art and science of management as applied to affair of the State.
3. In Vietnam P.ad can be used to denote the administrative power, a system of public bodies; a se.t of institutions namely administrative institution and the action of public servants in the bureaucracy.
So topic 1: Say about Administration:
- The Term Administration and its broadest sense
- The notions of Public administration: Lawrence, Flecher and Waldo.
- P.ad in Vietnam: It is a power named Administrative power (1) It is an institution formed by a system of public power bodies (2) and It is an action: The concrete day–to–day work to implement the guidelines of the manager.
Topic 2: The Legislature of the SRV
1. In the SRV the National Assembly is the only organ with constitutional and legislative powers has the obligation and power to make and to amend laws.
2. There are 7 subject may present draft laws to the NA:
- the country’s president
- the standing committee of the NA
- the Nationalities Council and the Committee of the NA
- the Government
- the Supreme People’s Court
- the Supreme People’s Office of Supervision and Control
- the Vietnam Father land Front and its member organization
3. Laws and resolution of the NA must be approved by more than half of the total membership but decision to amend the Constitution must be approved by at least two-third and made public fifteen days after their adoption at least.
4. The Standing Committee of the NA has the power to interpret the Constitution, to enact decree-law which must be approved by more than half of its membership.
5. Laws, decree law and changes to the Constitution are announced officially by the country’s president.
The NA of the SRV has about 500 members who is elected to represent the will and the aspiration of the people from provinces.
Compare with the Legislature in the UK:
- The main legislative body is the Parliament which consists of two houses: The House of Commons and the House of Lords.
- New laws can only come into force when they have passed through Parliament. Each bill must have three readings and received Royal Assent from the Qween.
- The UK is a constitutional monarchy without a written constitution and some part of Government system are regulated by convention.
Topic 3: The Government of the SRV
1.The Government is the executive body of the NA and the highest state administrative body of the SRV.
2. The Government assumes the unified administration of the implementation of all fields: political, economic, cultural, social, national defense, security and external activities of the State;
Ensure the effectiveness of the State apparatus from the center to the grassroots level;
Ensures respect for and observance of the construction and defense;
Promotes the people’s right to mastery in national construction and defense;
Ensures the stabilization and improvement of the material and cultural life of the people.
3. The Gov is accountable to the NA, the Standing Committee of the NA and the President of the State.
4. The Gov structure consists of Ministries and Ministerial level agencies.
5. The NA considers and decides on the establishment or abolition of a ministry or a ministrial level agency on the Premier’s recommendation.
The Prime Minister is elected by the NA on the recommendation of the President; Vice-Prime Minister, Minister and Heads of ministerial level agencies are appointed by the NA.
Compare with the Gov of the UK:
- Structure: The Gov of the UK consists of the Ministers who are appointed by the Crown on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is appointed directly by the Crown and is the leader of the political party which has a majority of seats in the Commons House.
He is the subject of constitution conventions, the head of the Gov and presides over meetings of the Cabinet which its members consists of the most important ministers who are selected by the Prime Minister.
The Cabinet of the UK.
Obviously, no government wants an important member of its party to start criticizing it. This would lead to divisions in the party. Therefore, the leading politicians in the governing party usually become members of the cabinet, where they are tied to government poluci by the convention of collective responsibility.
The cabinet meets once a week and takes decisions about new policies, the implementation of existing policies and the running of the various government departments. Because all government membes must be seen to agree, exactly who says what at these meetings is a closely guarded secret. Reports are made of the meetings and circulated to government departments. They summarize the topics discussed and the de cision taken, but they nevar refer to individuals or what they said.
To help run the complicated machinery of a morden government, there is an organization called the cabinet office. It runs a busy communication network, keeping ministers in touch with each other and drawing up the agendas for cabinet committees. These committees are appointed by the cabinet to look into various matters in morden detail than the individual members of the cabinet have the time ( or knowledge) for. Unlike members of the government itself, the people on these committees are not necessarily politicians.